Dario – Eternal Eagles

–  what’s your name what do you do  who you run with and for how long 

My Name is Dario Giovannetti (Dariorun) and I run with Eternal Eagles Crew since the first year (2016). I like run in the early morning in the Rome city Center.

In Rome We are trying to show how running can improve you To feel better and share passione.

I ran 5 marathons.

I also found Lello Running Crew – just for fun – with Luca Laurenti MkLane and Wan Man. It’s a funny virtual crew. There are no limits, no city and no gender, only love and Fun.

– what is the most exciting city to run in (except rome ) in your opinion and why 

I like Running in New York because the city is cool and flat 😉 I start running in NYC on 2011. I love running in Berlin too. In this City there are a lot of runners and when I ran the marathon last september I felt like home.

– when in Rome what do we need to do and why 

In Rome you must: 1) run on tuesday with Eternal Eagles 2) go for a run in the early morning 3) see the Colosseo 4) Eat a good Carbonara ( I suggest you trattoria Santo Palato)

-what run do you stil want to do in the future and why 

On April I go to Berlin Half Marathon; I’m going not for run but for cheer! In the next future I hope to partecipate in more btg events. I like to be connect with a lot of runners.

– why do people from rome claim that there pasta carbonara is the best why is that  tell me a bit of history about this dish and is it also your choice of food before or after a race   ??

Before a (long) race for my carbo loading I usually eat pasta or pizza. Carbonara is the most important dish of the Roman cuisine. Its origins are not really clear, but I can definitely say that it represents Rome. 

Someone says it is an evolution of “pasta cacio e ova”, a typical dish from Abruzzo, that American soldiers adapted during WWII with the local guanciale (maybe because the flavor reminds them about their egg and bacon).

Others affirm that this dish comes from the woodmen who worked on the Appennino. 

I do usually eat carbonara because I really like that egg yolk golden cream, crispy guanciale and pasta al dente. I love Carbonara!